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© 2007 TMI Australia Pty Ltd

Our Approach

No effective consultant can ignore the fact that it's not organisations that change, but individuals. Every company is a living organism composed of its people. While few have difficulty paying lip-service to these ideals, at TMI we go far beyond that. We turn change through individuals into a reality.

This is achieved through a proven strategy we call the 5 I's:

  • Investigation: Gaining a thorough understanding and audit of your organisation's specific needs.
  • Identification: Analysing, evaluating and determining the course of action that best suits the specific situation.
  • Implementation: Keeping every level of management and people focused on the key steps and objectives.
  • Integration: Working with people to apply learning to daily working activities and ensuring that the new behaviour becomes a way of life.
  • Inspiration: Engaging the hearts and minds of people to win their commitment through our fresh and exciting approach. This sits throughout the four steps above.

The Five I's

TMI Australia Pty Ltd :: T: +61 3 9602 3500 F: +61 3 9602 3533 :: Email
Level 11, 461 Bourke Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia